ICAR Library was established in 1929, in order to fulfill the objectives of the Council the ICAR Library is considered as mother of agricultural libraries in India as the library has valuable resources in the field of Agricultural and its allied disciplines.

Next to IARI Library, it is the biggest agricultural library in Delhi. It has resources on animal sciences, plant sciences, and references on agricultural research, education, as well as agricultural management etc. ICAR library has good collection of commission/committee reports, All India Coordinated Research Project Reports(AICRPs), Annual reports of various ICAR institutes and SAUs

Earlier when there was no agricultural university in India, it had organized training courses on library services for the library staff of various agricultural colleges. This library has rendered various types of services i.e. "Documentation Lists Agriculture & Animal Sciences" (Quarterly), 'Current Awareness Services" (Monthly), Current Contents" (Monthly), respectively have been stopped for various constraints. This library was brought out a bimonthly entitled energy Information" in semi print form. Publication comprising abstracts, synopsis, Index of articles, etc. The other projects completed by this library was Union List of Theses of Agricultural Libraries, Union List of Periodicals of ICAR Institutes" in card form, Bibliography of ICAR publications (a semi print publication), Directory of Agricultural Librarians & Documentlists of India (published in semi print form), Directory of Indian Periodicals on Agriculture Allied Subjects". It is carrying exchange, transfer and weeding out publications. It is reported to be the only agricultural library 'which has created a record 56000 publications to Institutes of ICAR and agricultural Universities. At present It has near about 85,000 Collections including Books pertaining to Crop Science, Animal Science, Horticulture, Forestry, Fisheries, Beekeeping and Natural Resource Management, Bound Volumes of journals, Annual Reports of ICAR and its institutes, commission/committee reports, FAO reports, CGIAR (Consultancy Group of International Agricultural Research), ISNAR reports, News clipping service and other general interest books like stories, novels, ethics, Economics, Politics and biographies

At present ICAR library is located in two location i.e Krishi Bhawan and Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan at Pusa as per the discipline located in both the location in order to maximum use of the publications. ICAR Krishi Bhavan Library has the collections pertaining to Crop Science, Animal Science, as the divisions of the said disciplines are located in Krishi Bhawan. The publications pertaining to Horticulture, Fisheries, Forestry, Natural Resource Management, FAO publications have been kept in KAB Library, Pusa.

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